Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Why we Visit Honduras?

A business associate and friend, Tony asked this question today. I was telling him about our visit a few weeks ago to Honduras and realized the reason why we visit Honduras and other countries in the Central American area. The reason is to keep myself and the wife in touch with reality. These visits impress on us the importance of helping others through the volunteering of our time to teach and assist others in bettering of their life. Here we are exposed to so many ways to do that. I told Tony about Courtney and Jenny's comments, they explained to us how children with hearing and speech problems are considered a burden to the family. It is amazing how cultures look at there own family members as having no value because of a disability. A person teaching sign language has huge challenge in that they are educating people for the first time in there life. Imagine teaching a grown person a new language! It is being done in Honduras and other countries around the world by ones dedicated to teaching a better way of life. It is the most satisfying thing in life to teach and at the same time to be taught(Spanish 101).

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